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  • While the majority of my clients have been in my home city of Buffalo, NY and surrounding communities, with my mastering of virtual platforms, I have also consulted with agencies in other states and countries (Canada and Nigeria to date). Geography does not have to be a barrier to working together in most cases.

  • I am! And I just recertified. For many nonprofits, this is a nice bonus to working with me.

  • There are many things that I have done “for the first time.” I also am very clear with people when I am not the right person to work on a project. Give me a call and we can discuss what you’re thinking.

  • I have and I will just so long as we are a good fit for each other. I have done work with government, healthcare, education, collaborations, and for-profit. Get Savvy is especially attractive to all sectors but I have also done several specialized projects.

  • If you had asked me before COVID became our reality, I would have pushed hard for in-person engagements. But, that was a limited view. There is so much that can be achieved virtually just so long as the same care is put into in-person facilitation is put into virtual. And there are some benefits too. Taking out travel time is helpful for participation. Virtual options are necessary for some geographically-dispersed teams when frequent meetings are required. And, there are great tools that I utilize to create a new experience for all. Let’s meet in person and/or virtually. We can accomplish so much!

  • A full day of training or facilitation is anything over 6 hours. A half day is typically 3 - 4 hours.


Are you ready to get started with Program Savvy? Fill out the form below and we’ll be in touch to discuss your needs.